Tuesday, July 17, 2012

#Rageface: Kids in a Theater

Apparently, my first #Rageface didn't post...so I'll just do a new one ;P

Today, I went to the movie theaters to watch the movie Ted with my brothers. I know, a little behind on the times, but I still managed to watch it (pretty good movie too). The movie would have been more enjoyable had there not been for four little kids sitting behind us.

How do four eight (inferred by their voices and annoyingness) year-olds get into a rated-R movie?? I know I did when I was eight, but that's because I was awesome :P Don't movie theaters have to follow guidelines against stuff like that? This film contains heinous language, drug use, alcohol consumption, and giant tits with a face drawn on them. Little kids shouldn't be opened to these things yet. Judging by their reactions to such things, they hadn't yet. I'm not going to go on about what age kids are entitled to know about certain things, so I'll just go back to how much they angered me.

These children were running around the sparsely populated movie theater yelling quite loudly. One teenage girl in the crowd called out to them to shut up, but nothing more. The children were making unfunny remarks at everything going on-screen (I do too, but not to their volume. At least mine are funny :P). It was as if the children were purposely put in that theater to annoy and frustrate me. I stood strong though, and made it through.

Whew, got that out there. This has been #Rageface with Frankie. Maybe I'll do one on the Viacom-DirecTV situation next and how it has interrupted my Tosh.O obsession...

Maybe I'll write about my Tosh.O obsession too...

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