Like the rest of the Xbox gamers out there, I should be playing Halo 4 right now. In fact, I purchased a limited edition copy of Halo 4 online via Walmart (Amazon was sold out) with a guarantee that my game would arrive by launch day. Spent my hard earned $110 dollars on it too.
Halo 4 launched Tuesday.
Where's my game?? I'd like to know that too, actually.
According to the Walmart website, my package arrived successfully at my local post office Tuesday. It claims that my guarantee was, in fact, guaranteed; my package should be waiting for me. However, after checking my mailbox for the past two days, there's no notice that a certain package was there waiting for me.
To investigate further, I went on the USPS package tracking site. I put in the tracking number and...nothing. I get an error message from the website saying that my package cannot be tracked from their website. I sent an email to Walmart customer service, but God know when I'll get a reply from that.
I'm not sure who's to blame for this one. I've never trusted the USPS, only really entrusting them with my monthly Gameinformer. I normally go through UPS for my online shopping needs: ThinkGeek, Amazon, Zappos, everything. I trust the bros in brown; and now that I've put my trust in another service, they let me down. USPS also has a history of losing people's things, my family included, and a certain corruption in the service where employees would steal packages.
Walmart also seems equally to blame. Their guarantee was not guarantee, although that is yet to be confirmed. I did receive an email confirming it had been shipped, which is better than nothing. However, the big corporations always seem to be the ones to blame with bad customer service and such, so it seems that this may very well be their fault too.
I'm angry, and I really just want my game. I won't settle for a normal copy, because I put down nearly double the money so I could get everything. If anyone, in my lack of audience, would be willing to help, it would be greatly appreciated.
-Frankie out.